Posts Tagged ‘Obama regime’

How is Obama wrecking America? Let me count the ways

May 11, 2010

Barrack Obama, with only 2 years of experience as  U.S. Senator, was swept into the White House as a supposed Messiah. His lofty campaign promises included a “post-racial”, and “post-partisan” era, which would cure America’s economic woes, put America back to work, and restore America’s good standing in the world, all without raising your taxes “one dime” if you make less than $250.00 a year. Fifteen months and a few trillion dollars later,  entirely different consequences have unfolded, and even worse is planned.

Let’s start with the “post-racial” myth. In just the last month or so, the Obama administration has used race to inflame Hispanics over Arizona’s passage of a state law to protect it’s citizens against an onslaught of illegal immigration, and the enormous expense and crime that comes with it.  That would not have been necessary had the Federal Government done it’s job of enforcing existing immigration laws. Instead, the administration is using Arizona’s self-defense move to paint Republicans as racist, and to push for “comprehensive immigration reform”, a nice name for amnesty for 12 million new Democrat voters.

Then, there’s the rallying cry from Obama for everyone except older white people to get out the vote to defend his majority in congress this November. This is certainly a call to his base, but was delivered in unmistakably racial terms. Obama leaves it to his surrogates to suggest that any opposition to his policies is based on race.

Next, the myth of the new “post-partisan” era in Washington. Once Obama realized that he had a large majority in the House, and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate,  that went right out the window. It quickly became “my way or the highway”, and he proceeded to take advantage of his majority to ram through the most ambitious dreams of the far left, spending the majority of his first year on the Holy Grail, government control of the health care system. He got the government take over of the entire energy systems of the country passed in the House, but thank God that Scott Brown was elected in Massachusetts to stop it in the Senate.

As far as curing America’s economic ills, he claims to have averted disaster by putting us all in debt to a degree unimaginable, but the results have been lackluster at best. Unless, of course, you or your organization had been a staunch Obama supporter, like a labor union or a “Community Organizing” outfit. They all came out “smelling like a rose”, while the rest of the country struggles with nearly 10% unemployment and credit so stifled that it prevents any improvement. Instead of cutting wasteful government programs and attending to exploding entitlement programs, the administration is expanding government at a record pace, and even worse, expanding it’s power over all aspects of American life.

When it comes to restoring America’s standing in the world, that too, has been a colossal failure. Iran is closer to having nuclear weapon every day with no fear at all. North Korea does as it damn well pleases with no fear at all. Obama bows repeatedly to the heads of lesser nations, many not such good friends. And dictator Hugo Chavez is practically jealous of Obama’s rush toward socialism. America has gone from Superpower to laughingstock in just over one year.

And when it comes to the pledge of not raising your taxes “one dime” if you make under $250,000 a year, that one was broken within a month of Obama taking office. Federal taxes on beer and cigarettes went up right away, affecting mostly lower and middle income people. Now, the Value Added Tax is being floated, not as a replacement for income taxes, but in addition to them. To Obama, a tax isn’t really a tax if you don’t call it a tax, and make no mistake, more hidden “user fees” and such are on the way.

And when Obama can’t get his way through the congress, he resorts to an end-run play by way of administrative decrees from appointed agency heads, who are not accountable to congress. When his Cap and Tax bill hit the Scott Brown roadblock, he had the EPA declare CO2 to be a dangerous gas, subjecting it to regulation. This is the same CO2 that all plant life needs, and all mammals exhale as they breathe. Now, since the courts have shot down his “Net Neutrality” scheme to censor the internet, he has directed the head of the FCC to have the internet designated a “public utility”, thus making it’s content subject to federal regulation. Anyone see a pattern here?

Obama talks a good game, but once you get past the rhetoric and look at what he’s doing, it becomes clear that he’s not only driving us straight for the cliff, he’s got the pedal to the metal. He’s driving us to bankruptcy at break-neck speed, growing government and government dependence at a frightening rate, and gradually taking our rights away from us. He is indeed “transforming America” as he promised in his campaign, but not for the good.

We currently have the most dangerous president in office since FDR, and if we don’t put the brakes on his agenda quickly, he may well transform us into the failed and collapsing society that many European countries are finding themselves in now.

Hypocrisy 101

April 23, 2010

They have been frequent and numerous in the past few weeks. They have been repeated ad-nauseum by the so-called mainstream media and administration supporters. They are the largely unsubstantiated accusations that the Tea Party Movement is a racist, hate-filled group that is potentially violent, and probably linked to extremist militia groups and neo-nazis.

Well, let’s look into that a bit, shall we?

I will concede that many people in the Tea Party Movement are angry. They are angry about their representatives in Washington ignoring their concerns and heaping unbelievable debt upon them. They are angry about the unrestrained growth of Federal Government, and it’s insatiable hunger for more power (that is not granted to it in the Constitution). They are angry about the Government gradually eroding their rights and their liberty. That anger is, in my opinion, quite understandable.

Now, let’s look at what is being said, and by whom.

From ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis says the times people are living in now will “dwarf” all those stains on America’s history. And she points to the Tea Party movement — or “bowel movement,” in her words — as a harbinger of the persecution to come. “They are coming. And they are coming after you,” the embattled head of ACORN said during a talk last month to the Young Democratic Socialists, the youth branch of the Democratic Socialists, the U.S. branch of the Socialist International. “Any group that says, ‘I’m young, I’m Democratic, and I’m a socialist,’ is all right with me. You know that’s no light thing to do — to actually say, I’m a socialist — because you guys know right now we are living in a time which is going to dwarf the McCarthy era. It is going to dwarf the internment during World War II. We are right now in a time that is going to dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation,” Lewis said. Lewis went on to explain that she wasn’t exaggerating — just look at the Tea Parties, she reasoned. “This is not rhetoric or hyperbole — this is real,” Lewis said. “This rise of this Tea Party so-called movement — bowel movement in my estimation — and this blatant uncovering and ripping off the mask of racism.”

Full article here:

Pretty hateful sounding language to me. Absolutely no substantiation. And this is the CEO of Mr. Obama’s favorite “Community Organizing” group. Mr. Obama worked for ACORN before he was a Senator, and had ACORN working for his Senatorial and Presidential campaigns.

From JANEANE GAROFALO: “It’s not about bashing Democrats, it’s not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don’t know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up.” “I — you know, because as I’ve said, the Republican hype and the conservative movement has now crystallized into the white power movement.”

Wow, that’s pretty hateful talk too, isn’t it? Again, with no substantiation.
MSNBC’s RACHEL MADDOW commenting on a Tax Day Tea Party:  “Tom Tancredo who started the event off with … a big loud racist bang … So the convention opened with a clarion call to bring back the literacy tests for voting. And as you could hear, the tea party convention crowd erupted in cheers at the suggestion, although, to be fair, it was sort of hard to tell exactly what the sounds coming from the crowd meant. They were sort of a little bit muffled by, you know, the white hoods.”
I’d be willing to bet that there wasn’t one single white hood in the entire crowd.
Now, let’s have a short review of some of the most vitriolic hate towards former President G. W. Bush from the folks who are complaining about “Tea Party hate”.
WARNING: In spite of these sign being displayed by the “politically correct”, and tolerant left, some of these signs are not politically correct, and contain vulgar language! Shocking!
I have collected at least 50 such images, but the point is clear. My apologies for the profanity, but they are not my words, they are the words of the “tolerant”, “politically correct” left. These are the folks who are screaming bloody-murder about the “hateful language” of the Tea Party.
Let’s take a look at a fair sample of the average signs displayed at a Tea Party rally. Granted, there have been a few leftist infiltrators displaying hateful signs at a few Tea Party events for the purpose of discrediting the movement, but this is a fair representation of what you will see at a Tea Party event.
Do these folks look like dangerous radicals to you? I was among these folks at the Richmond, Virginia Lobby Day rally in January 2010. Yes, there were a few folks there that were exercising their right to open-carry firearms in public. Rights are sometimes like muscles, If they are not exercised, they diminish in atrophy. This was a demonstration of our rights in order to keep them from being taken away from us due to lack of use.  There was no profanity spewed by the speakers. There was no hate speech of any kind, period. There was legitimate criticism of government policies, but it was all well within the boundaries of civil disagreement. Nobody was advocating any violence whatsoever. Nobody was slandered. And despite the fact that there were at least 2,000 patriots in attendance, Capitol Square was as clean and litter-free after the rally as it was before.
Now, let’s examine the accusations of violence by the Tea Party.
The fact is that there have been no verified accounts of violence, either verbal or physical by members of the Tea Party. Period.
In fact, many local Tea Party organizations have put out public notices on the subject of violence. The following is a direct quote from the Virginia Tea Party Patriots website:

The Virginia Tea Party does not suggest, condone, promote, incite, overlook or tolerate acts of violence towards any persons or property. The Tea Party movement believes in, and abides by the rule of law as embodied in the Constitution of the United States. It is that very Constitution which provides for the proper and peaceful means for the expression of political opinion and the transition of political power.

The Virginia Tea Party regards any reported incidents of violence or destruction of property very seriously. The Virginia Tea Party however does not engage in unproductive speculation or rush to judgment. The Virginia Tea Party relies on the results of an official investigation by authorities before issuing a specific statement relative to any reported incident.

In the meantime, we strongly encourage all individuals concerned about any reported incidents to rely solely on reliable factual information before forming an opinion. To do otherwise, we believe, would not serve to foster an atmosphere of civil discourse and responsible actions beneficial to all.

The Virginia State Police has concluded the rubber gas line on the barbecue grill of Congressman Tom Perriello’s brother, was not cut as originally reported by the media, but had been chewed by a squirrel. The media conveniently did not report this update, as it did not fit into their demonization of the Tea Party Movement.

There are, however, several documented acts of violence perpetrated by supporters of the Obama administration against Tea Party Patriots. Of course, Attorney General Eric Holder, has not seen fit to investigate or prosecute these blatant cases of violations of the Civil Rights of Patriots, under the Constitution. Here are a few examples:

The New Black Panther Party intimidating voters at the polls in Philadelphia in November 2008

SEIU Union thugs beating down a black man, Kenneth Gladney, selling Gadsden flags and buttons at a town hall meeting in St. Louis, and using racial slurs. ObamaCare supporter bites off the finger of 65 year old opposition protester.,0,7135717.story

Is it my imagination, or is this the height of hypocrisy? It certainly makes me take anything the so-called Mainstream Media says with a large grain of salt. As far as the current regime goes, I don’t believe a word they say. They have lost all credibility they may once have had.

Don’t take my word for it folks. Do your homework. Become informed. ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN will not tell you anything that is detrimental to the current regime. It is in their interest to support the Obama regime. You only have a hope of getting the truth from Fox News Network and independent online news outlets. The truth is indeed out there, but now you must wade through all the spin to find it. I will be providing links to independent news outlets soon.

Hang in there, Patriots. We WILL get through these times…